
Supplement Your Diet for Better Liver Health

Among various organs in our body, liver is one of the largest internal organs, which is responsible for a number of important functions. One of the important functions is to get rid of harmful chemicals from our food and help in the digestion process. Liver may be harmed due to a number of conditions that can create problems like hepatitis, cirrhosis and also certain types of cancer. There are few natural supplements available, which can help in improving the functions of our liver.

However, according to Dr Gurunath Reddy we must not take any herbal supplements for solving liver issues without consulting any qualified doctor. Following are few supplements available that are very conducive for improving the functions of the liver.

  • Milk Thistle

This is one of the best herbal treatments for liver problem. It can protect our liver from various toxins and help in increasing the capacity to regenerate healthy cells. During initial stage of hepatitis or any other liver problem, this herbal treatment can be useful. In the beginning, this may lead to digestive problem.

  • Schizandra Berries

The berries obtained from schizandra plant were a well-known medicine that was traditionally used by Chinese healers for treating liver related problems. Many patients of hepatitis C have used this along with Milk Thistle to get themselves cured from very serious conditions. Consult people who practice alternate medicine, if you want to use it for your treatment.

  • Chinese Mushroom

This traditional Chinese medicine is used for centuries for treating many different health problems. Particularly for liver related issues, this is quite useful. You may read its reviews on the internet. This mushroom is useful for treatment of hepatitis and cirrhosis.

  • Licorice

This is also considered by many researchers as useful medicine for conditions like hepatitis and cirrhosis. There is long history about this herb among various traditional medicinal systems. People with high blood pressure, steroids, diuretics or digoxin conditions must avoid this medicine. Pregnant women or lactating women should avoid using this medicine.


  • SAM-e

This is an antioxidant which plays a very important role in functioning of the liver. People who have liver disease are often considered as people with low SAM-e condition. In such condition, liver loses the ability to process any kind of toxins. Researchers have found out that if SAM-e is supplemented for treatment of liver function then it can help in treating the liver disease.