Plastic surgery is a booming business. Both males and females alike are seeking the help of a cosmetic surgeon to help them fix crow’s feet, sagging jowls, and cottage cheese butt cheeks and thighs. This is why the “best plastic surgeon near me” has become such a popular Google search.
With that said, all surgeries, including cosmetic and elective plastic surgery, have their risks. Here are a few things you need to consider before going under the doctor’s knife.
Your Overall Health
Good plastic surgery candidates are men and women who are physically healthy, have realistic expectations, and don’t smoke. If you intend to get pregnant soon or want to lose a lot of weight, consider postponing the surgery until you’ve achieved your goals. Fluctuations in weight after the surgery could lead to diminished aesthetic improvements.
Your Mindset
The right mindset will help ensure a successful overall experience. Plastic surgery isn’t something one needs. Rather it’s something one chooses so that they can feel better about themselves. You don’t necessarily need plastic surgery to be the best you can be. However, if there’s something about yourself you think cosmetic surgery can help cure, then by all means go for it.
With that said, even though this type of surgery can help improve the quality of your life, it won’t solve all the problems in your life and it won’t make you a better version of yourself. The unfortunate truth.
Your Surgeon’s Qualifications
Does your doctor have board certification from the ABPS (American Board of Plastic Surgery)? Don’t allow irrelevant official-sounding certifications and boards to confuse you. Make sure that the doctor you’re considering is qualified to do the surgery. When you choose a board-certified doctor, you can rest easy that you’re picking a doctor that’s qualified to do what you want them to do, and will do the surgery in a licensed facility.
The growing demand for plastic surgery has led to the rise in botched surgical procedures caused by unqualified plastic surgeons. Don’t be a statistic. Hopefully, now you know what to consider before you go changing how you look.